Five exceptional pieces of writing, four times a year / pumpkin new writing

Pumpkin aims to establish itself as a showcase for the best new writing on the web, while providing valuable support and resources to writers, new and established. Pumpkin will be published quarterly, with each issue featuring five exceptional pieces of new writing.

Each issue will be available online, and a semi-annual anthology will be printed through CompletelyNovel's print-on-demand service.

Pumpkin has moved - please click here to be taken to the new site.

About Pumpkin

Pumpkin aims to establish itself as a showcase for the best new writing on the web, while providing valuable support and resources to writers, new and established. Pumpkin will be published quarterly, with each issue featuring five exceptional pieces of new writing.

Each issue will be available online, and also in print, through CompletelyNovel's print-on-demand service.

Submissions are open to writers of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, published or unpublished, but the work itself must be previously unpublished, either in print or online. And that's all we ask. Please check our Submission Guidelines before sending in your work for consideration.

Pumpkin is run by writer Daphne Kapsali, founder and editor of this is it, the online literary and contemporary arts magazine, which ran very successfully from 2003 to 2006, attracting a loyal following of about one thousand unique visitors per issue. This is it was taken offline in September 2006, as web hosting costs and the volume of work involved in maintaining it became unmanageable. The clean, no-frills blog format of pumpkin was chosen deliberately, to avoid the difficulties encountered in running this is it, and to allow the focus to stay exclusively on the writing.

(Relevant ads by Google have been added to generate some much-needed funds for future projects, such as print anthologies and writing competitions. I hope they are not too intrusive.)